"Ler é soñar da man do outro" Fernando Pessoa

luns, 14 de decembro de 2015

Recomendacións de Nadal

Presentamos un pequeno tríptico de recomendacións da biblioteca para este Nadal. Pouco espazo para tantas cousas que temos que ofertar, así que mellor que vos deades unha volta pola biblio para ver que vos podedes levar para pasar un bo rato nestas festas.

Ah! Como novidade incluimos un concurso para descifrar de quen é o texto que está na portada do tríptico. Lede as bases nel, se cadra aínda vos levades outro regalo de Nadal.


2 comentarios:

  1. idnight Bob discovered thieves broke into the house he kho.Anh Tobin called police. The other player replied that they could not intervene immediately because no staff present in the area.
    Bob hung up, waited a moment and recall:
    - Hello! I'm just calling because he 1 minute ago thieves broke into the house. Now, the next he does not need anymore because I killed him already.
    - A few minutes later, half a dozen police cars rushed to the Bob, have both backed helicopter and dog scene. They easily summed thief.
    - An officer asked Bob: I heard him say this question was fatally shot him, then that body?
    - Bob replied: Yes! A moment ago he also told me that there was no staff in this area at all.


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